The Bear And The Hare

As part of a literacy topic, Year Four pupils were asked to create a narrative based upon the 2013 John Lewis Christmas ad, 'The Bear and the Hare'. Children were provided with a ‘mastery model’ of writing, allowing them to gradually internalise the writing requirements for the purpose and audience. As part of the process, I drafted the following piece which offered the children an opportunity to 'magpie' ideas and up level their use of vocabulary.

Inhabiting a woodland sanctuary, two devoted friends enjoy a harmonious bond. Despite his intimidating frame, Bears spirit is one of care and compassion, whilst Hare possesses a heart that far exceeds her diminutive figure. A late autumn stroll draws to a close as a lone snowflake lands upon bears nose. A sentiment of despondence floods hare as she watched her faithful companion yawn with fatigue, his demeanour as lethargic as the sun of seasons past. Hare feels the pain of her downtrodden comrade.

The days grow shorter and temperatures recede, the emergence of winter sees a dense quilt of snow settle across the sombre landscape. A spectrum of species assemble to dress their cherished timber, the centrepiece of their Noel celebrations; a fabulous flurry of furry frivolity. Hare elated, bear withdrawn, their opposite poise as polar as the bleak glacial scene around them.

Relinquishing his post, Bear retires to his den retreat. His slumber seemingly in unison with warmer climates past. Nestling away from the opening, he reluctantly turns his back on the very ritual his every being so dearly desires, for he knows annual hibernation forbids his participation. As the moon glitters and Christmas Eve fades, Bear fantasizes of that elusive yuletide bliss. Unbeknown to him, his loyal ally works with vigour to deliver her own token of festive love, a solitary gift, a beacon of unconditional affection.

Hours pass and night gives way to morning, the sunrise Hare feared would never bear fruition surfaces on the horizon. Daybreak is greeted with euphoria as the multitude of creatures descend in jubilation upon the meadow. Laughter fills the crisp air, creatures great and small embrace at the exchanging of gifts, Christmas epitomized in a single snapshot. A resplendent spectacle, with the exception of one. The lone Hare, her absent friend weighing heavy on her longing heart. Hare misses Bear like the flower misses the sun.

It as was Hare began to despair at the injustice of it all, that an easy rumble could be heard from afar. She instinctively glanced across the fields, ears pricked in eager curiosity.  Hare dared not believe the vision presented before her. Awoken prematurely from his prolonged repose, Bear stood in triumphant majesty atop the hill, the return of the king.

Bear was immediately besieged in a whirlwind of earnest admiration, his peers overjoyed at his unprecedented presence. None more so than Hare. Reunited at the most fortuitous of moments, Hare found herself overcome in a cascade of both exhilaration and gratification, for it was she that bared responsibility for this momentous occasion, her gift that made possible the aspiration Bear had so long craved.

Hare had given the gift of Christmas.

Based upon the 2013 John Lewis Christmas ad:


There’s No Place Like Home


A Sporting Spectacle